Poland & Prague: I love Europe. I was gone for just over two weeks in June and July, and found so much inspiration in the littlest things: fresh air in the mountains, fields of flowers, contrasting eras of architecture (Renaissance vs. Gothic vs. Art Deco vs. Art Nouveau, etc), large public squares of gathered people (world cup fever), babushka dolls, funny money, cobblestone roads, creepy marionettes... oh the list goes on and on.

I also came across these awesome miniature helmets, which are replicas of the real deal, dating back to the 12th-16th centuries.
Note to self: Must find a way to make them a part of the Spring 2011 Collection.
Montreal: A 10 day getaway in July, including a cottage weekend in the Laurentians. Good company + delicious food + funny farm animals + sun + biking + heat = best time ever. I am super impressed with Montreal's dedicated bike paths that wind throughout the city, getting you where you need to be safely and faster than ever before. If a city with so many cold and snowy months can fix the bike vs. car dilemma, Toronto can too. Get it together Toronto!
Also, while in Montreal, I came across a beautiful new store named George and Jane, which I will do a feature on soon. They placed an order for Biko, which I think will go really well with their modern, clean, and edgy aesthetic.
Also in news: Biko is in the midst of a complete re-branding. This includes a new logo, business cards, labels, website (design and domain), catalogues, linesheet layouts, etc. This new look is slowly being perfected, and I cannot wait to show you! The completed project should be ready by the winter, but you'll see bits and pieces throughout the following months. Oh the excitement!
Looking forward to seeing your new stuff ! looks like you had a great trip away and great photos!.. :)